Name: Caleb Curtisi
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CurtisiCo/grid
Instagram: @CurtisiCo
Website: CurtisiCo.com
Age: 31
Married/Single/kids: Married to Sami and we are soaking in the DINK life for now.
City you live in: Gilbert
A typical day in my life always includes… a double shot of espresso, sawdust, reading, & music.
I was born… in Germany! But moved when I was two and I don’t remember a thing. I do love a good bratwurst though.
My favorite thing about Arizona… the glorious skies! Approximately half of my instagram stories are clouds.
I’m listening to… Band: Half Alive. Artist: Noah Gundersen. Podcast: Jordan Peterson. Audiobook: How To Inhabit Time by James K.A. Smith.
My family… is Italian. Mamma mia!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Chris Pratt.
One thing I cannot live without… Pickleball is life.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… John Elway, of course.
I’m inspired by… courage. I admire anyone who risks their personal self-interest for what is true, good, and beautiful.
The person/people who motivate(s) me is/are… Anyone who is pursuing actualizing their full potential while encouraging others to do the same inspires me.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… Man, anything? I think I would replace jealousy with the truth that every person is unique and valuable. If we could kill competitive comparison with contentment & joy for others, lives and societies would be radically transformed..
The perfect day would be… filled with good friends and good coffee. Probably Pickleball and a concert too!
My first job was… at 13 years old I umpired little league baseball– I think there might be some parents out there who are still angry with me 🙂 But that job was great! It taught me to be decisive and resilient, even when my decisions were not popular.
My favorite escape… I love a great story: Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Narnia. Inspector Gamache.
My life… is not my own. (see Heidelberg Question #1)
I’m currently working on… a whole bunch of sculptures! And a showstopper dining table and benches for a great dining room with Camelback views.
Never… don’t flush.
Favorite Quote: In all that awakens within us the pure and authentic sentiment of beauty, there is, truly, the presence of God. There is a kind of incarnation of God in the world, of which beauty is the sign. –Simone Weil
Biggest Dream… I am immensely grateful for the musicians, writers, entrepreneurs, and artists who have inspired me over the years. I hope to provide that gift for others.
My Pet Peeve(s)… when every lane has people driving 10 miles under the speed limit.
Bio-on yourself/company: My wife and I bought our {realistic} dream home in 2020 but couldn’t find our dream dining table. We looked and looked but couldn’t find anything that spoke to us. So I made one. Same story for our credenza. Then bedroom furniture. Before I knew it people started placing orders!
My desire is to place beauty in your path. No two pieces are ever the same – like the people who commission them, each piece is truly one-of-a-kind!
I’d love to help you put beauty in your path. If I can serve you by creating a custom sculpture, credenza, wall art (etc), reach out! CurtisiCo.com.
See more of my work here.