How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain: Cate Ritter

Drinking tea can help the holiday scales from tipping
Drinking tea can help the holiday scales from tipping
Drinking tea can help the holiday scales from tipping

Ever wonder what nutritionists do around the holidays when confronted with copious buffets and festive cocktails? Me to… so I went to Cate Ritter, Nutrition & Kitchen Coach for Cate’s Nutrition Kitchen. Cate doesn’t run away from holiday parties; she embraces them with open arms and an open mouth, but she does have a few healthy tricks up her sleeve that can save you from packing on the pounds or coming down with the flu. Here she shares her top tips for a healthier holiday…

Drink green tea. Before indulging in holiday dishes, festive beverages and seasonal sweets, drink a cup of organic green tea. The high antioxidant content increases fat burning, reduces inflammation, and helps prevent a hangover by supporting detoxification. Herbal tea is a good caffeine-free beverage option and can help satisfy a sweet tooth. For a candy cane in a cup, try peppermint tea with a little Stevia added.

Enjoy a protein-rich breakfast. Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast by including foods such as eggs, turkey sausage, or leftover “roast beast.” Protein provides high satiation, reduces cravings and boosts metabolism. Enjoy an omelet with cheese and peppers or salmon with spinach and mushrooms.

Snack on walnuts. Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, an anti-inflammatory that burns fat, reduces cravings and keeps you full long after you eat. In addition, omega-3s increase serotonin levels, which decreases stress, anxiety and depression. Enjoy walnuts raw on their own or roasted with shredded coconut, cinnamon and honey for a healthier treat.

Savor each bite. Practicing mindfulness at each meal is an easy solution to nourish yourself without over-loading your plate. By slowing down and chewing more you’ll improve digestion, feel full faster and find mealtime to be more relaxing.

Cate Ritter, Nutrition & Kitchen Coach for Cate’s Nutrition Kitchen
Cate Ritter, Nutrition & Kitchen Coach for Cate’s Nutrition Kitchen



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