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Kianna Martinez's mom, Lucy Martinez, speaks with Arizona Foothills Magazine about her daughter's journey from being a Selena fan to a potential Country Star. Kianna Martinez is at the apex of her career hoping to catch a big break to record her EP in Tennessee and gain the support of Arizona by helping her to raise $10,000 through her kickstarter fundraising page


Lucy Martinez, left, with daughter Kianna Martinez, right. Photo by Danny Martinez

How would you characterize Kianna's music and songs? 

A lot of her songs are just about love and heartbreak and trying to find who you are. She writes songs about her experiences. She writes about boys when it doesn't work out. That’s the only positive thing that she gets from that. She’d probably kick me for that (Lucy laughs as she says this). Like Billy says, her songs are very well-written, very mature. They’re about love, looking for love and kind of what she’s going through: a 21-year-old girl trying to find her way.

If Kianna gets to travel to Nashville this summer, can you describe what she will be doing there? 

She will be in the studio most of the time recording her songs. Being a Country Artist, it is important for her to record her EP in Nashville. She can then send the EP to record labels in hopes of getting signed. She will also be able to promote herself with her own music. She will sing at a couple of venues while she's there and hopefully someone will hear her and she will catch a break. That will be her debut of singing her own songs in Nashville.   

What kind of person is Kianna? How would you describe Kianna to, let's say, a stranger that walks up to you and asks about her? 

That she’s a sweetheart. A smart girl with a good head on her shoulders. A good, all-around talented person.  

She’s a good person with a big dream. She’s just trying to catch a break. She gathers a crowd every time she sings. People stop and listen – I think she’s great and I know I’m her mom, but people say she’s amazing all the time. She’s a petite girl, but has a big voice which really surprises people the first time they hear her. She has stage charisma. She’s done a lot of things, and I think she's ready for the next step.  

 Approximately, what amount of funds does Kianna need to tour this summer to Tennessee?  

She needs $10,000 to record in Nashville and stay for the recording session. Billy Smiley has a studio out in Nashville. My husband and I flew her out to Florida to the Millie Lewis Actors, Model Talent Convention. She placed 3rd in the overall singing competition. She got call backs from A&R Reps who told her to go home and to find herself and learn how to play an instrument and write her own music, one of them told her that she was going to be a star. We just don’t have the money to send her back, and this is her way of doing it on her own. We also have a wedding to plan for our other daughter in January. Everyone that donates to her account will be a part of making her dream come true. They can be part of kick-starting her career and follow her on her journey and will receive a personal gift from her.   

What would you say to potential supporters and donors? 

Thank you so much for supporting her from the bottom of my heart because without you, this isn’t possible. Come out to one of her shows and listen to her and get to know her. You'll love her. She’s just a good Arizona girl trying to make it.

If someone is interested in donating and supporting Kianna, who should they contact?

They can go to her website.  The link to Kickstarter is there (and here). They would sign up with Amazon and donate what they can. The money doesn’t come out until May 1. But if she doesn’t meet her goal, they won't be charged and she doesn't get any money. I just think that if they came out to one of her shows they would believe in her and want to help her.  People are always telling her that she has the total package, and I believe there are people out there that would want to help someone like her make it.