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The best part of this internship has to be when celebrities come in studio. It’s hectic and amazing all at the same time! Normally my job when we have in-studio guests is to either film the interview with my handy dandy Flip Cam or take photos. It’s always awesome when I can be in –studio taking pictures or video because I can watch and learn from Johnjay and Rich as they interview. They are so witty and good at what they do, that it makes me strive to be as good as them one day. After the interviews everyone gets to take pictures with the guest, and then we go upload all the pictures and videos onto our main website so that our audience can see right away what happened during the interviews!


Not only do us interns get to meet celebrities, play pranks, and joke we also get to go to awesome events! On March 19th the annual Celebrity Fight Night took place, and I was lucky enough to get to go with Producer Bill to the red carpet to interview the celebrities in attendance. The best part of that night was getting to meet Oscar winner Kevin Costner, he is amazing and I never could have imagined actually getting to meet him. Another event that all of the interns got to go to was The Best of Our Valley Event hosted by Arizona Foothills! Johnjay just happened to be the guest of honor, so the whole Johnjay and Rich crew were invited to celebrate with him. Us interns get to experience so many awesome opportunities because of our internship and I think I can speak for all of the interns when saying we are beyond grateful.


Working with Johnjay and Rich is such an honor and pleasure. I never would have thought a year ago on my first day interning there that these people would have such an impact on my life. The Johnjay and Rich crew will always and forever hold a special place in my heart.