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Erin Porter


Age: 27


Occupation: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist


Goals & Aspirations: My goals and aspirations are to be the best person I can be and help people as I get there. I aspire to have a great husband and family that would be my main priority. I strive to gain knowledge every day, in my career, and use that knowledge to help me help my doctors treat their patients to the best of their ability and improve those patients’ lives so they can accomplish their life dreams.


Hobbies: I enjoy the theater, dining out, wine tastings, and traveling to experience other cultures.


Religious Views: I was raised catholic but do not routinely attend church. I believe that there is a higher “power” but ultimately one should lead their life in balance, helping others along the way and living life in a positive manner. Or as some would say karma, do onto others as you would like to be done onto yourself.


Special Skills or Traits: I played the violin for many years; I do not play routinely but still pick up my violin from time to time. I am a very personable person and believe that my relationship building is a skill. I am very articulate and pride my ability to communicate easily.

Tell us about your family.

I am a 4th generation native to Arizona. My family has deep roots in Arizona so I am fortunate that my entire family still resides in the Phoenix metropolitan area with the exception of my sister Stephanie. Being geographically close it allows us to all remain close and see each other on a regular basis. My family means the world to me. My mother and sisters are my best friends. My cousins are like sisters to me and their children like nieces. Entrepreneurship runs in my family. My step father, uncle, and a couple of my cousins all run their own businesses here in the valley.


Give us a short & sweet description of your love life.

I have yet to find true love. I have had relationships in my past that taught me a lot about who I am and what I hope to find in a mate, good traits as well as traits I do not want in my future partner. I have been single for a couple years now, concentrating on my career, but am now ready and open to find my special someone and start another wonderful chapter in my life.


Why haven’t you found “the one”?

I believe that I haven’t found my one because I don’t really attend the bar scene and social events are limited to friends’ significant others. I have spent a lot of time focusing on my career and believe in a line of division between personal and business relationships. I have kept my eyes open but have not yet met a man that compliments me and shares similar beliefs and values that I hold.


Give us three words that describe you.





What is your “type”?

I am looking for a man with a great sense of humor. I hope to find a man that holds family high in importance as do I. I hope to find a man that is intelligent and can hold conversations. I like a man that is comfortable in his own skin and isn’t overly concerned with what others are constantly thinking. I like a man that has passion and drive in his life. I also like a tall man (I’m 5’11”). Overall, the modern day Renaissance man.


Personality Turn-Ons:

Men that are thoughtful, romantic, humorous, genuine, driven, ambitious and can hold their own while in a social setting.


Personality Turn-Offs:

People that are rude, inconsiderate, feel the need to put others down to make themselves look better, hot temper, and chronically late.

Physical Appearance Likes:

Tall, takes pride in appearance (but not vain or obsessed), eyes


Physical Appearance Dislikes:

Overweight, long hair, facial hair (occasional scruff ok but full beards or mustaches I am not fond of)


What are your deal-breakers? 

Not wanting to have children and someone that isn’t ready or willing to invest time to build a great relationship


What is the one trait you need a significant other to have?

Communication Skills. I need a man that can communicate his thoughts or feeling. I believe that a relationship cannot survive without proper communication skill and truly believe this skill can prevent many arguments and/or raising of voices.