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Jay Feely, No. 4, is a kicker for the Arizona Cardinals. With more than 10 years of NFL experience, Feely continues to display his athletic skills. He was selected to the Pro Football Weekly All-Rookie Team in 2001 and as an alternate for the Pro Bowl in 2005. In his spare time, Feely enjoys fishing, golfing and staying current on politics.

Followers: 19,160

Following: 234

Number of Tweets: 4,215

Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter?

I don’t know if I have one. I follow all the sports personalities and all the media people, but I like to follow all the political pundits as well. I follow Obama. I follow McCain. I follow George Bush. I follow Nancy Pelosi and Senator Boehner. All across the board, I want to see what both sides are saying. I just want to impact change when I’m done, whether that means being a coach, whether that means getting involved in the political process or trying to use media as a medium to impact change. That’s my goal.

Why did you start Tweeting?

I felt like it was a direct link to fans and to people in general, to the public and to be able to have a discourse about issues that I felt were important. Maybe they were sports-related. Maybe they were social issues. Very seldom before Twitter did you have an opportunity to not have to go through a filter to be able to say exactly what you wanted to say in a public forum.

What will you never Tweet about?

I don’t know if there’s much that I won’t Tweet about.

Where is the strangest place you have Tweeted from?

Probably the bathroom.

How do you choose who you’re going to follow?

Just if they interest me. I won’t follow somebody if they don’t put anything on there that is too deep. If it’s all surface-level stuff, then I don’t care to follow them either. I follow the Huffington Post. I don’t agree with most of the stuff they put on there, but it’s pretty interesting for me. I have Fox News as well. I like to have both sides of all issues.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

iPhone. I’m an Apple guy.