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Alan Faneca, No. 66, is a guard for the Arizona Cardinals. Faneca began his impressive NFL career with the Pittsburgh Steelers where he earned a Super Bowl ring; he has also played for the New York Jets. Aside from being a six-time All Pro and nine-time Pro Bowl selection, Faneca is also a philanthropist giving back to breast cancer research organizations and the Epilepsy Foundation of America.

Followers: 2,425

Following: 94

Number of Tweets: 1,046

Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter?

Kenny Powers from Eastbound and Down on HBO. The stuff he says is pretty much hilarious.

Why did you start Tweeting?

I was on Twitter, closed up, where it was just private with my family. It was a quick way to keep in touch with my family. When I came out here to Arizona, a lot of guys in New York were on Twitter, so I decided to open it up. That way I could talk more and keep more in touch with buddies back there. It’s simple. It’s cool to keep up with the guys. It’s just a way to stay in touch.

What will you never Tweet about?

Actually, I very rarely Tweet about football. I noticed that the other day. I don’t Tweet a whole lot about what’s going on in football. I just Tweet about other random things.

Where is the strangest place you have Tweeted from?

Maybe the bathroom, I guess.

How do you choose who you’re going to follow?

If they say funny things or there are a lot of the national sports reporters that put a lot of good information out there. It’s a good way to keep up with the league as well.

iPhone or BlackBerry?
