HomeFeaturesOn the Scene with Nadine › Reach Resolution Success in 2012!

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Did you make your resolutions yet?  Well, if you haven't, it's time to bid farewell to 2011, and start a fresh, new 2012!  Check out these secrets of staying motivated. 

I will lose weight in 2012; I will spend more time with family and friends; I will get out of debt…does this sound all too familiar?  As we recover from the holidays and wrap up the second week of the new year, it’s time to really focus on resolutions.   

I strongly believe when you write something down, it’s more likely to happen; in fact, I have proof it works.  However, writing resolutions are only the first step to reaching your year’s goals—that’s why today, I’m talking all about motivation.

Research shows there are certain mantras to practice in order to see resolution success—and the first, is to anticipate bumps in the road.  Before even trying to achieve any given goal, pinpoint possible pitfalls and plan for them.  According to psychological experts, people who plan for obstacles are more likely to stick with projects than those who don't.

Next, find your inside engine—in other words, a person’s drive is often based on what you believe about your abilities, not particularly your talent.  While it sounds corny and cliché, believing in yourself is a major key to success. 

But of course, you have to be realistic. Some research shows when you let your goals run wild, things can backfire, and when things backfire, you become UNmotivated.  That’s why one University of Arizona professor suggests instead of aiming impractically high, set challenging goals that are in your reach.  (And work on your goals daily—take baby steps!)

Another tip is to go public.  Yep, instead of keeping things private, share your goals with those close to you.  Having a strong support system helps reinforce positive behavior.  Plus, then you have people to help track your progress.  In relation, lean on your best pals when struggling.  Choose an authentic, quality circle who understand how much reaching such success means to you.  They’ll be sure to help you through the hurdles.

Next, make yourself a priority.  Remember to honor your needs, even when it feels selfish.  Experts say when you stretch yourself too thin pleasing others, you often sacrifice yourself and your goals. 

And of course, goals aren’t supposed to be a piece of cake—make ‘em challenging! 

Finally, remember the importance and meaning behind your resolutions.  You’re more likely to see success when the goal has personal significance. 

rsz nadine
