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Wintery weather seems to have arrived, and with that, comes dry, cracked skin.  Here are natural ways you can prevent wrinkles.  (They're easy, natural, and totally unique!)

Aging is inevitable; however, preventing the process is possible.  Yep, you and I can actually delay the delivery of wrinkles by taking natural, simple steps.  We all know to wear sunscreen, moisturize, and hydrate to soothe our skin, but turns out there are certain foods and tactics to consider to keep looking young.

The first handful of tips involve using food as a make-over regimen.  According to many doctors, adding egg whites to your diet is not only heart-healthy, but skin-smart.  Utilize egg’s Vitamins B and E to rejuvenate—all you have to do is whip the whites and spread on your face for 15 minutes.  Rinse with warm water.

And it’s not a bad idea to do the same with olive oil.  Before bedtime, massage a few drops on your face following a quick rinse.  This helps keep your skin nice and smooth.

Next, we all know leafy greens should top our food list, but here’s yet another reason to fill up on fruits and veggies.  These healthy foods are stocked with Vitamins A and D, helping plump your skin and glow from the inside out.  In relation, learn to love lemons…at least train your face to savor the zest.  Applying lemons to your skin helps brighten you up and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Also, salmon and other cold-water fish help provide your face with much needed protein.  The omega-3s naturally nourish your inside, giving your outside a youthful look.  The fatty acids also reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

And if you’re a coffee drinker, you might want to surrender your cup of Joe in exchange for hot cocoa.  In a Journal of Nutrition study, researchers found the chocolaty bean has high levels of dietary supplements.  These ingredients better protect the skin from sun damage, adding extra hydration to dry areas.

In addition to food, you can always treat your face to a soothing massage.  Of course, be gentle...focus on problem spots like the next, under the eyes, and forehead.  And don’t squint!  Repetitive facial movement (like squinting!) forms grooves beneath the skin’s surface.  (So go for eye-glasses.)  And finally, sleep on your back.  It may come as a surprise, but The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says sleeping in certain positions leads to “sleep lines”…in other words, wrinkles.  When you sleep on your side, your cheeks and chin take the heat.  So learn to love snoozing upwards. 

rsz nadine
