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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


How often do you kiss your honey?  Turns out the more your smooch, the healthier you'll be.

Get ready to pucker up—it’ll keep you looking good.  That’s right, consistent kissing is actually a decent workout for your face.  Studies show that we use 30 muscles to smooch; in turn, toning our cheeks and chin.  Actually, it burns 2-3 calories a minute, so opt for a major make-out session.  Kissing also can double your metabolic rate. And consider this…those who kiss their loved one before parting ways in the morning tend to live 5 years longer than those who don’t. 

Kissing also strengthens your teeth.  I know it’s a little wordy, but spit swapping helps decrease decay-causing acids.  In fact, a simple smooth can actually strengthen your enamel.  That saliva swap also contains a natural anesthetic that relieves pain.

In relation, locking lips releases antibodies that fight bad bacteria, often relieving allergies.  Yep, histamine production slows down during a hefty make-out session resulting in fewer sneezes.  It’s also good for the heart, pumping blood around your body from all that passion!  And to top it off—kissing has been scientifically proven to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol. 

Frequent smooching also combats stomach, bladder, and blood infections.

On an emotional note, sweet, tender, regular pecks pump you up.  It gives you that on-top-of-the-world feeling, especially when your man oh-so-romantically plants one on your lips.  You release oxytocin—the body’s feel good chemical—allowing you to feel relaxed and fulfilled. 

And it’s also a stress-reliever.  I know—who would have thought a simple smooch would make a long day’s work well worth it? Many doctors say passionate kissing relieves tension and reduces negative energy, lowering your cortisol—our stress hormone. 

Lastly, kissing is an ego booster.  There’s no doubt regular kisses make you feel good and appreciated.  And if you don’t believe me, believe science.  It’s said the endorphins produced by kissing are 200 times more powerful than morphine. 

rsz nadine

