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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


We all know it feels nice, but turns out sex is actually good for your mind, body, and soul.  Check out how doing the deed improves your skin and well-being.

Attention all you frisky couples out there: a routine sex life doesn’t only feel good, but it also makes you look good.  That’s right…getting it on is a natural way to look a whole lot younger; in fact, a recent study showed those with an active sex life had their age underestimated by 7-12 years, than those who had intercourse infrequently.

Of course, we’re talking about monogamous, healthy sex—getting down and dirty with your one true love.  Passionate love-making surely brings love-birds emotionally closer, in addition to relieving stress—but it also helps improve your skin and body.

Consider this:  trade in your pore cleanser for a nooner.  Depending on how hot things (literally) get, many experts say sex gives your face a free (and enjoyable) facial.  That’s because the sweat cleans your pores; you know, that dirt and make-up residue that’s tough to wash off.   And doing the deed also controls acne!  Just like when you exercise, sex reduces hormone levels leaving your skin nice and balanced.  This also makes your hair healthier.

And you can bid farewell to dry skin if you hit the bed more often.  Sex keeps your blood and oxygen flowing, leaving your skin fresh and hydrated.  It doesn’t mean you can surrender drinking H2O, but the physical act definitely rejuvenates your body.

Next, you’ll be happy to know habitual intercourse wards aging—yes, consider sex your personal fountain of youth.  Every time you have sex, you boost your collagen production, and that combats age spots and sagging.  In relation, sex also prevents wrinkles. 

Of course, you probably know from experience that sex gives you quite a glow.  Sexologists say that the oxygen pumped into your body makes your skin bright, and can actually get rid of toxins.  And who would have thought that same hormone also improves your nails.  (I know, right?!)

In addition, sex gives you a healthy glow on the inside; it makes you happy.  While this might not come as a shock, a recent study of 4,000 women showed those that had regular sex had lower levels of stress and an overall better well-being than those who didn’t.  On the other hand, some sexperts say a lack of intercourse can result in depression.

It’s also a confidence booster.

Yes, as much as we claim we don’t need his approval…we do, especially when it comes to our body.  Numerous doctors claim the act helps higher your self-esteem, and the more positive sex experiences you have with someone, the better it will get. 

And finally, sex has a magical way of giving you a great night’s sleep.  Yep, that release of oxytocin helps you get peaceful shut-eye easier and faster. 

But if you’re not getting it on all the time, no worries—there are products that offer you sex-like advantages like NARS’ Orgasm Blush.  Pair that product with regular exercise, and you’ll get that sexy glow. 

 rsz nadine
