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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Want to shed some pounds?  How about 1-2 pounds per week?  Sounds too good to be true?  Well, it's not.  Check out the hottest must-try when it comes to weight loss. 

Prevent holiday weight-gain; do I have your attention?  Yep, there’s a way you can secure your bikini bod as we exit the summer season—it’s called Lipoplex, and it provides quite the outcome.

“When used correctly, you’ll lose 1-2 pounds of fat per week,” said Dr. Cristina Romero-Bosch, owner, Iluminar Therapy. 

Dr. Romero-Bosch runs her naturopathic practice in Scottsdale, helping Valley guys and gals get their body in check.  She says Lipoplex is the hot must-have for anyone looking for a weight-loss aid, as it stimulates fat loss.

So here’s the 411.

Lipoplex is made up of B12 vitamins and an array of amino acids.  The B12 is involved in most chemical reactions in the body, allowing you to produce more energy and feel good.  It’s a water soluble vitamin, meaning it’s not stored in the body, so that’s why a direct injection of B12 is vital in the fat burning process.  However, Dr. Romero-Bosch says the B12-amino acid combo is quite the fat-fighter.  The aminos are the building blocks of protein, helping the liver get rid of fat.

“Lipoplex is a perfect mix of safe nutrients.  It’s a great metabolism booster,” she said.

And here’s how it works.

Lipoplex involves a painless injection in a large muscle area like your shoulder or glutes.  The process is quick and easy, and can actually be self-administered.

“We teach clients how to administer these injections so they can do it at home.  The idea is to do these shots consistently.”

Dr. Romero-Bosch suggests 1-2 shots a week.  She believes they’re nearly 100% safe, as the injection is solely made from good nutrients; your body’s just getting them in a more concentrated, efficient form.

“Lipoplex goes directly into the blood stream—that’s why it’s so effective.”

Effective and affordable--Dr. Romero-Bosch offers great package deals.  However, you can test this weight-loss aid for a major discount…all you have to do is visit www.doozyofadeal.com TODAY (9/16/12) only.

“Of course, all fat-loss programs are effective if you life a healthy lifestyle all around.  You’ll still want to eat right, exercise, and drink a lot of water.”

For more information, visit: www.iluminartherapy.com

rsz nadine
