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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Want to shed a few pounds?  (I know, trick question.) Check out these creatively natural options to help you shed unwanted pounds. 

If you're like me, you're still in denial the summer season has officially arrived.  Less is more when it comes to attire, but it's only fun to flaunt your stuff when showing off a bikini body.

Well, if you're hoping to magically lose a little more weight, there's (thankfully) help to the rescue.  Put down that fatty poolside margarita and trade it in for a lipotropic vitamin cocktail.

“This is a perfectly natural, safe way to stimulate fat elimination,” said Dr. Christina Romero-Bosch, owner, Iluminar Therapy.


Dr. Christina Romero-Bosch runs a Scottsdale private practice, focusing on helping boost your metabolism.  That’s why she offers lipotropic injections--the hottest fat-fighting method to hit your body.

The treatment is made of B12 vitamins and a trio of amino acids.  The water soluble B12 complex enhances your liver function; in turn, increasing the flow of fats out of the body.  They also form new, healthy cells, giving you more energy to exercise.

The three amino acids simply suppress your appetite.

“They regulate cholesterol and alleviate fatigue,” she said.

And that also gives you a much-needed dose of energy to hit the gym.

In fact, Dr. Romero-Bosch says you can consider the amino acids a power combination—you’ll feel full more often, turning down the ice cream, cake, and candy.

“Not only does it control your appetite, but also those with major mood swings.”

Sign me up!!!

The complex is delivered to the body via a quick and fairly painless injection.  Dr. Romero-Bosch offers a package of 4 injections for $40—pretty reasonable considering you’ll lose about 1-2 pounds of fat per week.

“It’s extremely effective.”

The doctor recommends about 1-2 injections per week, and you still have to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

But that’s not her only natural option for weight loss assistance.

“We offer one of the newest, most talked about method when it comes to hormones.”

They’re called hormone pellets—and that’s exactly what they are.  The pill-like capsules are full of either estrogen or testosterone, but you can’t opt for the minor procedure unless you qualify.

“Our typical male patient, for example, is a 40 year old that has difficulty losing fat and a testosterone level in his 400s.”

The pellets are inserted into the body delivering natural bio-identical hormones; in other words, they alleviate menopause and andropause (male menopause!).  The result is almost immediate—within weeks you’ll have an increased sex drive, more energy, and feel an overall fervor for life and mental clarity.

“We look at a patient’s blood-work, age, and physical health to determine if they’re a good fit.”

Between those B12 injections and a handful of pellets, you’re sure to get some much needed aide in your personal battle of the bulge.  Best of luck to securing that bomb bikini body.

To book an appointment, visit www.iluminartherapy.com.


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