HomeFeaturesMoms › Mom Approved: 4 Non-Surgical Aesthetic Treatments

A constant buzz amongst Valley moms is how to attain a more rejuvenated look. With celeb moms constantly in the spotlight – and always looking red-carpet ready – we want to know their secrets. How do celebs like Jennifer Aniston and Sharron Stone age so gracefully without looking “fake” and “plastic?”


With the help of Dr. Daniel Shapiro, a renowned, board-certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing in the Scottsdale and Paradise Valley Arizona area for 19+ years, we took a look at trends in aesthetic treatments without the need of going under the knife.

Here are 4 non-surgical treatments that celebrities love but are accessible to busy moms of the Valley!

IPL Facial - Treatments(FotoFacial® and Prolite®) that are non-invasive light based therapies that combine Intensed Pulsed Optical and Radiofrequency Energy treatments that erase skin damage without disrupting the skin surface and subsequently require no downtime. IPL treatments improve skin texture and irregular pigmentation. Gradual and cumulative improvement is achieved between 3-5 treatments spaced 3 weeks apart, without discomfort. Patients generally return to normal activities and can apply makeup immediately after treatment sessions. Many A-listers schedule IPL’s leading up to high profile events like the Emmys’ and Grammy’s.

Juvederm – Celeb lips are constantly making headlines, and they often achieve fuller lips with injections such as juvederm. Juvederm® provides youthful volume to the lips, earlobes, and depressions around the mouth, and corrects hollowing apparent beneath the eyes. Juvederm® injections also corrects mild to severe facial wrinkles including crows feet and wrinkles around the mouth, along with correction of nasolabial folds. Juvederm takes approximately 15-25 minutes, with immediate improvements seen. Juvederm® utilizes a new cross-linking technology that enables a very smooth and natural appearing result, with injected areas retaining volume from to 6-12 months, with layering techniques lasting longer.

4 Day Peel –Aka light chemical peels, a 4 Day Peel can erase fine lines and give the skin a smoother appearance within 1 to 3 treatments. These peels can more aggressively erase wrinkles and tighten the skin, minimize enlarged pores, and even pigmentation. Think of your skin circa your late 20’s after a beach holiday.

Microdermabrasion – This procedure started in Europe over 20 years ago and has been performed in the United States since 1993. It is known as the simplest way to evenly and safely exfoliate the skin without chemicals or laser. This ultra-accessible process rejuvenates the skin by using ultra-fine crystals to remove the upper layers of the epidermis, increasing the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in firmer, more youthful looking skin. Microdermabrasion will subtly minimize fine lines and wrinkles, acne and scarring, enlarged pores, and lighten age spots. Results are seen after the first treatment, and best results are obtained with 4 to 5 treatments every 7 to 10 days, and thereafter once every 4 to 6 weeks.

