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Being a first time mom can be stressful. It can be stressful for dad, too. Not only does a new baby change your body, it also changes your relationship. Sometimes this change is for the better, but not always.

These life changes can cause anxiety and stress. However, there are many ways you can cope with the stress and anxiety of parenthood. 

Pinpointing Your Stressers

It helps to start off by looking at what stresses you and causes you anxiety. With a baby, especially in a household that hasn't had a baby before, there are new experiences to be had, and not all of them are precious.

Your baby is going to cry. That's what babies do. Your baby will cry all hours of the day for many different reasons and it's your new job to find out what this little life needs that they can only tell you through tears and wailing.

As a new parent, you will lose a lot of sleep. At least until your baby gets on a sleep schedule, which may or may not ever happen. The idea is to get it when you can, however you can.

Your body is different now. A woman's body changes for motherhood. You may have extra weight, larger breasts, and other things to deal with. It's all part of the joys of motherhood. 

On top of all of that, you and your husband may have less intimate time with baby needing constant attention. You may feel as though you are being torn apart. Your baby was supposed to bring you relationship to another level, and instead you feel like it's falling apart.

How To Deal With New Baby Woes

Parenthood isn't supposed to be easy, but at some point you'll definitely find out that it's rewarding. You just need to get over all of the bumps at the beginning to find the happy side of it.

Many mothers feel as though they have extra pressure put on them to be the perfect mom. Are you feeding them right, raising them right, disciplining them right. For some it seems like you can never do anything right.

Step one is to remember that this is your baby and your life and if you are doing everything in the best interest of your child's future then you are doing it right. Don't let other people's opinions add to the stress that you already have.

Once baby starts to get on a more normal schedule you'll find it easier to fit in time for exercise, and sleep. You also may want to squeeze in a little romance any time you get in order to keep your marriage going strong.

Take time out for a massage every once in a while. Every mom deserves a massage, no matter how old their kids are. Meditation and yoga are both also great ways to help get rid of stress and anxiety.

What many people don't understand is that anxiety is a natural response humans have to new situations. If you're a new mom, or a new parent, and anxiety is getting the best of you, look into anxiety therapy. This therapy can use different treatments, such as medication or hypnosis, to help you get past your worries and on with your life.