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Mommy & Me (Postnatal ) Yoga classes  are all the rage in the Valley for moms, new and old.  From newborns to infants, parent and child classes promote early development and provide a strong foundation for your childʼs critical childhood growth. The original idea behind the duo yoga class was to use your tots weight as resistance while striking a pose but, realistically, it’s a fun way to connect with your little darling, show off your lululemons  and get the heck out of the house.  And, for some moms, a needed workout when you can’t find a sitter.alt

My gorgeous little girl, Mia Valentina,  and I tried Mommy & Me Yoga at floo-id Yoga (next to Whole Foods off Mayo Blvd. and Scottsdale Rd.) I originally attended the studio for hot yoga (pre-pregnancy), switched to prenatal yoga (during the few months I wasn’t restricted to bed rest) and now building up endurance so I can get back to hot yoga (yikes), so I was especially excited to see Mommy & Me on their schedule.


This class is similar to prenatal but you can hold your infant during your practice or let them chill on your mat and watch.  Mia was cracking up most of the class – she got a kick out of all my movements.  Luckily, she didn’t care if my tree pose wobbled or my star pose fell.  When she got cranky, I turned around a fed her in class and even changed her diaper – yes, the class is very relaxed and comfortable for moms with infants.  In fact, they prefer your child can’t yet crawl to attend the class!

Of course, after, all the cool kids lunch at Whole Foods. 


For more info on floo-id Yoga, including class schedule and pricing,  visit http://flooidyoga.com