HomeFeaturesMoms › How To Keep The Kids Fit And Burning Off Energy While School Is Out


Even though they might be out of school, keeping kids on a schedule is very important. Humans are creatures of habit and thrive when we have structure. It’s easy for us to fall into bad habits and even easier for us to let the kiddos. Providing good clean energy and fuel is a big key to help assist in deciding on how to stay active.

Keeping the kids inside all day during a quarantine or even when the weather won’t allow them outside is easier said than done. While you may be able to get outdoors a little for a jog or a bike ride, you will also want to have a few physical activities kids can do indoors and still have fun.

Say Goodbye To Video Games

Kids need to move their bodies and burn off some of that pent-up energy, especially if they're out of their normal daily routine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend school-aged kids and adolescents get at least 60 minutes of vigorous exercise daily for the sake of their overall physical health and well-being. Although the CDC also now recommends practicing social distancing and staying home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, kids can still get plenty of exercise right in your living room thanks to an array of online exercise options designed for kids.

Online streaming services, the internet and mobile app stores are loaded with a variety of free and low-cost at-home workouts for all fitness levels and workout preferences, and many don't require equipment. At EōS Fitness for example, keep the kids active and focused with free on-demand workouts that range from superhero boot camps to sports conditioning. Also, consider interactive video games that incorporate workouts, dance and virtual reality.

Keep Snacks and Junk Food To A Minimum

We don’t want to start pumping our kids full of junk while we are cooped up either. This will lead to poor energy and an overall lack of motivation. Get the kids involved in all your household activities, for example, cooking together. Not only will they appreciate the empowerment, but this will also help them develop a positive relationship with food and maybe even try a few new things too!

Get Creative

Creating obstacle courses, forts and family workouts can be a huge hit! Let the kids come up with the meat and potatoes of your workouts and you can add the spice by letting them coach you and vice versa.

Think back to your own childhood where playing outside, participating in homemade scavenger hunts, riding bikes with friends and just walking around your neighborhood were go-to activities. Time the kids for a little competitive spirit and motivation. If the weather permits, water balloon fights, dodgeball or any type of pickup game of volleyball or basketball are great too.  

If you are stuck inside, there are still plenty of options to get kids’ metabolisms pumping.

No exercise equipment? No problem! A few water bottles, stairs and shopping bags are all you need to complete a quick 15-minute full-body circuit.

We’re All in This Together

Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Check in with other parents to see what they’ve found effective and ask if they need help. Share your concerns and useful hints. If you need contact information for other parents or resources, reach out to your child’s school or look online at gym websites to see what on-demand or live-streaming content are available to keep the kids healthy. It is important that we all work together as a community for the good of our children and families.

Rachel Reddish is the Director of Fitness Education and Small Group Personal Training at EōS Fitness, which has 22 high value, low price gyms and counting throughout the Valley. She has 12 years of experience in the fitness industry. For free on-demand workouts, go to www. eosfitness.com/workouts-on-demand-kids-fitness/.