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Tips for Taking Care of Outdoor Furniture


Here in Arizona, we get our money’s worth from outdoor furniture. With the exception of summer, we are lucky enough to enjoy evenings outdoors, full of stargazing and wine sipping. However, with so much usage of your outdoor furniture, it is bound to get dirty. Instead of heading to the store to purchase expensive, often-toxic cleaning supplies, Arizona Foothills Magazine...


Summer Vacation and ADHD: Tips and Activities


During summertime, children are out of school and lack as many activities to keep them engaged and interested during the day. Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can especially struggle during this time. AFM talked with Lexis Preparatory School and one of the owners, Developmental Pediatrician Raun Melmed M.D., about the ADHD diagnosis, productive ways to combat symptoms, and why Lexis Preparatory School was opened to better address this way of learning and behavior.

AFM: Could you give us a...


Mommy & Me Yoga

Mommy & Me (Postnatal ) Yoga classes  are all the rage in the Valley for moms, new and old.  From newborns to infants, parent and child classes promote early development and provide a strong foundation for your childʼs critical childhood growth. The original idea behind the duo yoga class was to use your tots weight as resistance while striking a pose but, realistically, it’s a fun way to connect with your little darling, show off your lululemons


Family Brunch

Sunday Brunch, or any meal on any day, is not the same when you have kids.  Once you become a mom, and unless baby is at home with a sitter, eating an actual meal in peace is merely wishful thinking.  But sometimes you still want to feel normal and enjoy the things you once took for granted: atmosphere, ambiance, crowd and, of course, the menu.


Splash Pad 101

If you’re childless, you may question the necessity of splash pads.  That was me one year ago ( pre pregnancy plus an eleven week old daughter.)  I can almost remember sitting at True Foods at the Scottsdale Quarter, probably drinking my second glass of wine, wondering why parents would even consider sprinklers on concrete and imagining the last time the pads were properly cleaned. If you don’t have a pool, won’t your friends let you bring your kids swimming? Can you not find a babysitter so you can enjoy lunch at True Foods?

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