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Beating the Back-to-School Blues


As a parent, you probably have one of two types of children when back-to-school season approaches: the kid eager to break out new pencils and learn, or the one moping that there’s only a few days left of summer. If you have the latter on your hands, or if you just want more tips to further smoothen the transition of going back to the classroom, Phoenix executive director for Girls on the Run Meagan Kukowski has some tips.


Back-to-School 2015 Fashion Trends


H&M Fringe Backpack

As August draws near, back-to-school sales are beginning to rev up. From whole new wardrobes to a new pair of jeans, kids and teens are just as much into fashion as adults these days. Students K-12 all want to enter their new classrooms in fun, fashion-forward outfits. To help you out with back-to-school shopping, here are the top trending 2015 school styles for kids and teens.


My High Risk Pregnancy

rsz_1380563_10151760649903720_244820898_n.jpgAs Nicholas's second birthday draws near, I can't help but mentally revisit our adventure in pregnancy. I can't believe my thriving, sweet, snuggly, active, beautiful little boy was born a four pound little doll--skin and bones, and completely perfect. I look at my toddler--now a big brother--and wonder where my baby went, but at the same time, am in awe at the independent, strong-willed little man he is becoming. 

Nicholas was born six weeks early due to my pregnancy condition called Placenta Previa. Thankfully, he...


The Valley’s Best Splash Pads


Are you in need of a cheap, fun way to cool off with the kids this summer? Make a splash in this triple-digit weather by visiting any one of the Valley’s best splash pads.


10 Tips for WAHMs

Let's face it: all moms work. All this debate between working and non-working moms is BS (in my opinion).  That's because all moms work...24/7. It is our job, priority, and blessing to tend to our children at their dispense. It's the best "job" I've ever had, and the best "job" I'll have forever.

rsz_home_moms.pngWith that being said, some of us have other jobs...jobs in addition to being mom.  Some of us leave the house for a 9-5, where others, like myself, work from home.

We even have an acronym: WAHM (work at home mom).

Coming from a background of waking up at 2:30am for...

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