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Diet soda has always been thought of as the healthier choice because it sports the zero-calorie stamp of approval, but now it’s becoming evident that zero calories is too good to be true. According to Dr. Suneil Jain, naturopathic physician and owner of Rejuvena Health & Aesthetics, diet soda is in fact, far from a healthy choice. Dr. Jain says that there have been a number of studies conducted outside of the industry that question the safety of certain ingredients such as artificial sweeteners and mold inhibitors.

The high amount of artificial sweeteners that diet soda contains is detrimental to our overall health.  Dr. Jain says that aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), acesulfame-K, and saccharin are known to cause symptoms such as headache, stomach cramps, diarrhea, bladder issues, memory problems, and dizziness. “Aspartame, the mostly widely utilized artificial sweetener in the world, is also a neurotoxin.  Numerous studies have shown its negative affect on the central nervous system with symptoms ranging from memory and learning problems to behavioral changes and obesity.”

Additionally, if you believe that Splenda’s advertisements ring true and it’s a safer option, you’d be sadly mistaken. “Research has also shown sucralose can cause shrinking of the thymus gland and reduction of healthy intestinal bacteria, an important component of our immune system,” says Dr. Jain. “Just a few weeks ago, a study conducted by Purdue University linked artificial sweetener consumption with metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”

As if artificial sweeteners weren’t bad enough, certain diet sodas can also contain mold inhibitors, like potassium benzoate. Potassium benzoate causes DNA damage in the mitochondria of our cells. Mitochondria are the energy producers in our cells, so they’re essential to our health.

Dr. Jain recommends eliminating all soda consumption. “In general, soda of any type isn’t good to drink on a regular basis, if at all. However, diet soda is the worst.  A combination of toxic ingredients that also robs the body of essential minerals like calcium isn’t appropriate for anyone to drink.”

If you’re trying to kick the soda habit, yet you crave something fizzy and refreshing, Dr. Jain suggests sparkling mineral water with lemon, lime, or cucumber added to it.  “The carbonation and mild flavor is usually enough to satisfy the initial cravings when trying to give up soda.”