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Brides looking to strut their stuff down the aisle (and ease some pressure from all that planning) turn to two local calorie- and stress-burning workouts.


Most women have fantasized about their wedding day since they were little girls. They saw themselves standing in front of the mirror wearing the gown of their dreams on the perfect body beside the perfect man. No back fat; no arm flab. Now the day has come, and you still have those pesky 10 pounds to lose: what are you going to do? Valley brides are signing up for two get-fit experiences: Pure Barre and Code Pink Boot Camp.

Pure Barre
Pure Barre is a one-hour total-body workout that uses the ballet barre and small isometric movements to attack the abs, hips, seat and arms. Each strength-training combination is choreographed
to high-energy music and is followed by stretches to create longer and leaner muscles. Students are so concentrated on engaging their muscles and breathing deeply that all other aspects of life are nonexistent—perfect for brides who need 60 minutes of alone time.
A one-hour session can torch up to 1,000 calories, but clients see results in as little as 10 classes, especially if they attend three or four sessions a week. Instructor Mindy Lopresti says Pure Barre “guarantees—well, as close as a guarantee as we can give—[Pure Barre students] are going to be in the best shape of their life.”
Pure Barre offers various memberships ranging from drop-in classes to unlimited attendance per month, but Valley brides and their bridesmaids can register for Pure Barre’s bridal special and receive three months of unlimited classes for $375.

Code Pink Boot Camp
The Code Pink Boot Camp is a group of fierce women in pink across Arizona, California and Colorado who strive to challenge themselves and achieve the impossible—and they want the same for their clients. The boot camp offers an intense one-hour workout with a complimentary nutrition seminar and body fat composition. Women have lost up to 12 pounds, two sizes, three inches and 5
to 8 percent body fat in a one-month session—and have gained a stress-free 60 minutes with each workout.
Code Pink offers several Bridal Boot Camp Packages including one for the bride, one for the bride with her bridesmaids, and one for the bride and groom. (Instructors recommend brides pair the workout with plenty of water, little alcohol and a small meal every three to four hours to achieve maximum results.) “Code Pink Boot Camp is great for brides because the camps are designed and taught by women who have been brides themselves. We know how important this day is. We know the impact of those wedding pictures and feeling sexy during the honeymoon,” says Code Pink Boot Camp founder, Christina Lucy.
There are three Code Pink Boot Camp locations in Phoenix. Prices vary.

Pure Barre www.purebarre.com.
Code Pink Boot Camp www.codepinkbootcamp.com.