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Five of the Most Common Personality Disorders


Mental health is one of the most important aspects of overall health and wellbeing. While mental health issues may not be as visible as physical injuries, mental health is just as important, if not more important, than physical health. Just like how physical health can be subject to a large variety of illnesses and injuries,


Cold Therapy for Seniors: What It Is, and How It Can Benefit Arizona Seniors


If you have the luxury of retiring in Arizona, you probably want to take advantage of every adventure the Foothills have to offer.  Unfortunately, as we age, hiking the hills or camping in the desert can pose some challenges. Achy joints, sore muscles, or just that overall feeling of lethargy can thwart your plans to spend a day antiquing in Tucson or enjoying a fishing trip on Canyon Lake. 


Making Your Best Decision About Vaccination Policies


Is your company considering instituting a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy? Across Arizona, business leaders are looking at how to create effective vaccination policies. 


Keeping Your Body (and Liver) Clean From the Inside Out


Many of us may not think too hard about our liver, unless it’s as a sort of punchline following a night out. However, cleaning it periodically is always a good thing. See, your liver filters the blood from your digestive system while also assisting with the riddance of toxins and bacteria. It also metabolizes medications you take and processes nutrients. Healthy livers keep our bodies clean and it needs a clean system in order to function properly. To that end, here’s a quick look at a few ways to keep your body clean from the inside out.


Healthy Habits and How to Keep Them


One silver lining that came out of the year 2020 was people's genuine commitment to self-love. It seems like it took a pandemic for people to realize and admit that self-love wasn't selfish but necessary. A big part of self-love is, of course, taking care of the bodies that do so much for us. Hopefully, at this point, you have a set of things or routines you're doing to keep your immune system and body in peak condition, but if you don't or you want to add more to your arsenal, keep reading for a list of things we all should be doing in 2021 and beyond. 

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