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Q & A with Singing Sensation, Ryan Beatty 

Ryan Beatty, the 17-year-old singing sensation, will be opening up for Cody Simpson at Celebrity Theatre tonight, June 12. His unique sound is acoustic with a modern old-school edge and upbeat tempos. He has built a worldwide following with more than 30 million views on YouTube and 230,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. As one of the most anticipated new artists in the music industry, he’s got a lot on his plate. 


Beatty took the time to chat with AFM about what it’s like being on tour for the first time, opening up for his good friend on their current Paradise Tour, and his plans for his debut album.


AFM: So this is your first tour ever. How do you feel about it so far?


RB: It’s been so fun. Honestly I didn’t know what to expect and it’s everything I hoped for and more. I never want it to end!


AFM: What’s your favorite thing about touring so far?


RB: I definitely love being able to be on the bus and going to different cities that I’ve never been to. It’s great meeting supporters that have been there from the beginning.


AFM: What do you do in your downtime while touring?


RB: Swim! Right now I’m swimming at the hotel. I also go skateboarding, go to movies, and listen to music a lot.


AFM: I know your friends with Cody Simpson, so it must be fun to tour together. How’d the idea of touring with him come about?


RB: We’ve been friends for a while, so it actually came about naturally. It wasn’t forced and was something that we both wanted to do so I’m super happy that it worked out.


AFM: Do you and Cody get on stage together at all?


RB: We haven’t yet, but it’s still early. You never know!


AFM: What city or place are you looking forward to playing the most? 


RB: LA will be fun because a lot of friends and family are coming out. The same with Fresno because that’s my hometown so I can’t wait to play there and see my friends. I’m also excited about places I’ve never been like Portland, Seattle, and Canada.



AFM: So you’re working on your debut album. What’s your progress with that? 


RB: Well, going on this tour put a little hold on it, but once tour is over, I’ll be working on it 100 percent. I’m super excited with what I’ve already done, and I’m glad it hasn’t been rushed. It’s at a good pace. I can’t wait for it to all come together.


AFM: Do you play any instruments?


RB: Not on stage, but I do know how to play guitar and some keys. I like to experiment.


AFM: What can people expect from the Paradise Tour?


RB: It’s just all around a really great show and I’m not just saying that because I’m a part of it! All three of us put our all into it. Before You Exit starts the show off really well and they’re great at getting people pumped and Cody’s awesome. I just try to have a lot of fun on stage. I just do what I do.