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Developments in skin protection bursts the bubble for many of you that commonly head to tanning salons to get in your weekly, G.T.L (gym, tanning, and laundry). "Tanning is an absolute no-no. It's doesn't do anything for your skin beside change its color and cause damage," says Van Dyke says. Unfortunately, tanning is something that is becoming more prominent in our culture. However, she does recommend that if a tan or need for darker skin is a must-have, bronzers and sprays are a much healthier alternative. 

Skin protection and wearing sunscreen is also linked to aging. Initially, there are two type of aging, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is purely chronological meaning that it's a natural part of time and life. Extrinsic aging falls in our hands, though, and is a result of our habits. Factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, and exposure to the sun can cause premature aging. 

In America, what is considered beautiful has always been dictated by pop culture and, in some cases, the media. Our ideas of beauty form from all the things we see. Tanning salons, ads, and commercials play into this notion; nevertheless, Dr. Van Dyke offer a tip of simple advice: "Embrace your paleness." 

It's much better to have healthy beautiful skin that is going to last rather than join and become part of the trend. The things you do in your youth have a funny way of coming back with vengeance during adulthood. "Kids now are being told to use sunscreen at such early ages, and that's a great thing. The next generation will be more beautiful and have much healthier skin for longer," says Dr. Van Dyke says.