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Dr. Van Dyke Top Skincare Tips:

1. SPF-30: Apply this to typical places such as arms, shoulders, neck and face. In addition to other less conventional areas like the, under eye areas and eye brow.  It's recommended that we reapply throughout the day (i.e. every two hours) and also use a lip balm that has SPF in it because others can dry out during cooler weather.

2. Short use of warm water: Though it feels great to use hot water on our face, it is best to use warm water. Stay away from scrubbing your face with wash clothes and brushes, and use either your hands or a gentle ultrasonic brush great for deep cleansing. Through vibration, rather than rotation, an ultrasonic brushit's is a gentley and quick alternative that usually runs anywhere between $100 and $250 dollars. 

3. Mild cleansers: As we wash our face and use cleansers, we are stripping natural oils that are essential to precious moisture that prevents our face from drying out. Mild cleansers, help with this problem because they are strong enough to remove dirt from our pores while also replenishing our skin. 

4. Moisturizer creams: These are a great thing to use, and are much better than lotions in the winter. Apply immediately after cleansing and when your face is still damp to lock in all moisture.