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The right deejay can make or break any event. They are the spin masters that set the tone, mood and can emit emotion within any situation. Most call it a form of art that soon develops into passion. If you work hard enough, being a disk jockey can certainly become a profitable business (a six-figure salary is not unusual with these spin masters). DJ E-Rock is certainly climbing his way to the top and is ready to tell you how! 

E-ROCK live Haze 2 SOV

How did you get started with DJing?

I had a neighbor that I had met at the age of 11 that introduced me to the art. His younger brother and I were into video games and other things that 11 year olds were into. One day, as I was over at their house, I noticed that he was manipulating vinyl records and I naturally became curious. Once I peeked through the crack of his slightly opened door to see what he was doing, I barged in and asked if I could watch. From then it was history. I would come over to practice on his turntables daily instead of playing video games with his younger brother. Little did I know at the age of 11 that I would be as hooked as I am today. 

What is the best part about being a DJ?
Pleasing a crowd. Giving them an experience they won't forget. Providing a route for people to escape from reality through music for those 4 hours that the club stays open is a rewarding thing. It's like helping people free themselves from whatever holds them back for those moments in time.

How do you stay connected to your followers?
A lot of ways, I'm very big on engaging with people on Twitter and Instagram. By far the best thing that has happened to many DJ's is the capability to connect with their fans and followers through technology.

You have quite a few followers on Twitter, do you like to promote your shows on there?
All the time. Best way to do so.

E-Rock Press Photo 1

Tell us about your upcoming shows.
I'm really excited to come to Arizona on June 28. I have heard nothing but great things about Smashboxx and Scottsdale is easily one of my favorite markets to play. Beautiful crowds, amazing vibe, and the nightlife is, by far, second to none. I actually took a mini vacation in Scottsdale recently... Loved it and can't wait to return. Az88 anyone?

I will also be in San Diego at Fluxx Nightclub and in Hollywood at Roxbury Nightclub for my monthly residencies in the next two weeks as well, which I’m always excited about!

As your career takes off, what are you more excited about when it comes to DJing?
Building a new fan base, connecting with fans that have been following me for quite some time. I seem to run into people who have been faithful followers of my podcast back then and today. Engaging with them is amazing each time. They inspire me.

Do you have any tips for people who dream of making it big in the DJ world?
Never give up that fight. It's a business that will tell you NO 90 percent of the time. But you have to stay in the fight to get the YES that you’ve been searching for. Master your craft, perfect your product, and always return every single phone call; you never know when opportunity knocks. It all counts if you make it count.

Any additional comments you would like to add?
If you happen to come to Las Vegas, you can catch me at Haze Nightclub inside the Aria Hotel every Saturday Night for “E-Rock Saturdays.” Trust me, this night never fails to impress! Make sure you hit me up on twitter for the guest list or if you just want to follow my journey in general @DJEROCKSF1! 
