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Chef Michael O’Dowd is the executive chef of Kai Restaurant and Bar at Chandler’s five-star Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa. Inspired by Pima and Maricopa Native American tribes, this award-winning restaurant possesses an unforgettable menu and fine-dining experience.

Followers: 1,209

Following: 1,755

Number of Tweets: 734

Favorite person to follow?

Dalai Lama.

Why did you start Tweeting?

To stay connected to the public while keeping the masses informed about our current events as well as assisting our marketing efforts.

What do you never Tweet about?


What Tweet has generated the most response?

When I seared a whole lobe of Foie Gras accented with cabernet Jell-O and local date compote.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

I can't say. I'll get in trouble.

How do you choose who you follow?

If they live interesting lives or if they are as passionate as I am for life, work and play.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

BlackBerry and PC.