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With a little blush, anything is possible. GlamourGals has been touching the lives of senior women throughout the Valley one makeover at a time.


Indulging in glamorous treatments is what girls do best, from catching some r-n-r at the spa to primping the ‘do at the salon. Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” could not be more true. Girls of all ages do want to have fun, which starts with feeling confident and beautiful—and, sometimes, getting all dolled-up is just the trick.

Rachel Doyle, founder of the nonprofit, GlamourGals, realized this when she was in high school. At the time, Doyle was involved in a variety of service organizations. It was not until her grandmother died that she wanted to do something more, something glamorous in honor of her. “I thought about what I loved and my friends loved—beauty and fashion—and how I loved making other people smile,” Doyle says. “The idea of providing beauty makeovers to women in senior homes developed out of those ideas.”    

Doyle’s idea became reality when she launched GlamourGals in January 2000. GlamourGals is dedicated to inspire and organize teens to impart ongoing companionship and complimentary makeovers to women living in senior homes. Doyle’s organization aims to provide fun and fond memories for both the volunteers and senior women to cherish, much like the memories of her grandmother that Doyle holds dear in her heart.

The organization has more than 1,000 volunteers and continues to see new faces each day. GlamourGals has one chapter in Arizona and hopes to open more throughout the Valley. “This would mean we could inspire more young people and bring companionship, beauty and dignity to more seniors,” Doyle says.

President of the Arizona School for the Arts GlamourGals chapter, Jalyn McKee, has been a volunteer for a year. “My experience with GlamourGals has been incredible. The best part is that we are all able to laugh together and share our stories while, at the same time, providing a service to someone who helped shape our community,” she says. Siobhan Spiak founded and was the president for three years at the local chapter. Having just graduated in May, Spiak is now a part of the GlamourGals Alumni Council. “It has been an eye-opening experience. One woman in particular was very special to me; she was rather young and was in the home due to never fully recovering from a brain tumor. She taught me to appreciate what I had in life and to be a positive person, just like her. Cindy is an amazing woman, and I will never forget her,” Spiak says.

GlamourGals has provided more than a decade of service that has touched the lives of thousands of people across the United States. From lipstick to laughing, concealer to conversation and manicures to memories, GlamourGals has helped young girls and elderly women feel their absolute best. There is always a new face to make smile, and the GlamourGals are doing that one makeover at a time.

Visit GlamourGals www.glamourgals.org.