Jessica Clark

Photo by Alex Backus
Photography by Scott English

Name: Jessica Clark



Age: 23

Title: Life Enthusiast, Travel Blogger, Freelance Marketing Strategist

Married/Single: Boyfie!

Kids: Thankfully no human ones…just a proud co-parent to this cute furbaby boy @huskyjax_

City you live in: Cave Creek, AZ

A typical day in my life includes…

unpredictable routines that are ever-changing. Right now, about the only consistency is my morning coffee / breakfast ritual where I catch up on emails and plan out my projects for the week! I work a hybrid of jobs to help withstand my traveling endeavors. If I’m not adventuring, I am a part-time marketing coordinator for a CA based company, freelance social media manager, website builder and restaurant employee!

I was born…

in Southern California and moved to the southwest when I was 10.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is the sky – hands down, final answer, no questions asked. Our sunrises and sunsets are absolutely unreal and I don’t understand how we grew to be this lucky.

I’m listening to…

PODCASTS! They have taken over my life completely. I have them on all the time. In the morning, in the shower, in the car, everywhere. I love ‘em all, but some of my favorites include Let’s Discuss (by my blogger crushes), Invisibilia, Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe and TED Talks (duh).

My family…

is indescribable. I come from two of the most loving, encouraging and genuine parents of all time. They are my biggest fans and remind me every day to follow my heart.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

GOSH this question has caused me much stress as there are just so many equally qualified contenders. It’s a major toss-up between the following in no particular order: Ed Sheeran because he reminds us all that angels come in more shades than blonde, J.K Rowling so I could thank her for existing and changing my life, Jimmy Fallon because why not, Kit Harrington because I have many inquiries about GOT’s upcoming season and finally, Betty White.

One thing I cannot live without…

dry shampoo. What the h*** did we do before dry shampoo.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

everything. Veterinarian, Britney Spears, marine biologist, author, architect, crime scene investigator, UFO hunter.

I’m inspired by…

my dad’s drive, my mother’s heart, women who empower other women, optimists and my ultimate travel blogger crush @travel_inhershoes (Aggie is Queen).

The one person who motivates me is…

The people* who motivate me are my two loving parents. They constantly remind me that my crazy dreams aren’t crazy.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

humanity’s near inability to disagree respectfully.

The perfect day would…

feel like a crisp Sunday morning in Fall that smells thick of coffee roast and fresh linen. I would be sitting on the balcony of an AirBnb somewhere around the world, next to my love in our PJs as we planned for the days’ adventures.

My first job was…

at UNCLE LOUIE THE RESTAURANT (aka the best mom and pop Italian restaurant in all of Arizona). This job has, and always will be so dear to me. The owners, kitchen and staff will forever be a second family – and while I might be biased, the food is absolute YUMMNESS. I would also like to take this moment to remind everyone that the service industry is a tough world, people! Be kind to those in it.

My favorite escape…

is traveling to new cities, experiencing new people, new cultures, new minds and writing about it.

My life…

is just beginning.

I’m currently working on…

a bazillion new posts for because I have been busy and slacking majorly.


be kind. Be passionate. Be present. Fall in love with as many things as possible.


take your shoes off on an airplane.

Favorite Quote…

Changing it to quote(s) because I can’t possibly pick just one:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”― Mark Twain

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

Biggest Dream…

is being able to travel full-time and share my experiences with the world.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

loud chewers, slow walkers, people who don’t use their turn signal, strapless bras and those who don’t understand the concept of buffet lines (It’s potato salad Sharol, just scoop and scoot OKAY).

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