Trendsetter to Know: Kevin Caron

Name: Kevin Caron





Age: 59

Title: CCO (Chief Curiosity Officer)

Married/Single: married 26 years.

Kids: just my wife and I (who act like kids).

City you live in: Phoenix

A typical day in my life includes…

hitting the studio by 9, welding, cutting and grinding – the really hot stuff – then working on prep for the next day. That evening I begin a sculpture on my 8-foot-tall 3D printer, changing the spool before I go to bed.

I was born…

in Stratford, Connecticut.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is the weather, nine months out of the year.

I’m listening to…

classic rock.

My family…

never ceases to make me wonder.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

M.C. Escher.

One thing I cannot live without…

is my wife.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

an astronaut.

I’m inspired by…

beauty, curves, and tactile input.

The one person who motivates me is…

the guy in the mirror.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

to have people get along.

The perfect day would be…

a two-hour motorcycle ride going to the studio, a fun-filled day creating, and a two-hour ride back home – on a different route.

My first job was…

being a bicycle assembler at a bike shop in West Phoenix.

My favorite escape…


My life…

is very satisfying. There’s always room for improvement, but I’m very happy with what I have.

I’m currently working on…

two monumental metal sculpture commissions (one steel, one aluminum), two sculptures entirely my own, and a really large 3D-printed sculpture.


follow your curiosity.


touch the red metal.

Favorite Quote…

“You can’t learn anything by talking.” – Grandma Caron

Biggest Dream…

is to have a sculpture in the permanent collection of MOMA.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

people passing me on the right-hand side in an intersection.

More About Kevin Caron…

born in Connecticut on February 2, 1960, Caron’s multidisciplinary training in the Navy provided a grasp of space, proportion and physics that also has been deeply influenced by his perspective as a truck driver and motorcycle enthusiast. These experiences translate into sometimes improbable, other times whimsical sculptures that communicate through sound, texture, form and line. Since Caron became a full-time artist in 2006, he has created more than 50 private and public commissions as well as participated in shows throughout the United States. Among other accolades, he was named 2018 Phoenix Mayor’s Artist of the Year. His monumental metal sculptures and groundbreaking 3D printed artwork can be found from coast to coast and online at Caron’s YouTube channel at features more than 550 videos, which have been viewed more than 19 million times.

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