Home"The AZ Insider" with Kathy Shayna Shocket › AZ Insider: Keep Your Pets Safe for Holidays

Kathy Shayna Shocket has an insider's view on the stories that make a difference. 

 dog santa hat

Kathy reminds pet lovers of the most dangerous hazards during the holidays.

 The holidays are full of excitement and family visits. so don’t forget with all the festive distractions to keep an extra special eye on your beloved pets. Especially because ‘tis the season when everything is so brightly colorful, twinkling, and shiny.

So even for a pet who may not normally be a chewer , etc. those  beautiful Christmas tree ornaments or Hanukah dradles can easily attract their attention.  It might be obvious that tinsel or ribbon can become a dangerous toy, especially for cats, but unfortunately as the emergency vets know all to well, families can get so distracted during the holidays. 

dogs ch

Guests in your home enjoying the festivities aren’t thinking about potential pet hazards. That’s why I don’t recommend leaving guests’ coats piled on a bed in an open bedroom, for example, a pet can easily jump on. You never know what people have in their coat pockets, from candies to medication or cigarettes. 

Even an innocently knocked over candle, can become a pet emergency. The trail of hot wax can burn the pads of a pooches paws, etc.  Besides taking precautions to keep the pets away from the Christmas tree pine needles and decorations,  check that your holiday lights and cords are not exposed for pets to chew. 

 cat tree

Regarding food - one of the most important things to remember and tell your guests- chocolate is toxic to pets.  Some nuts, such as macadamia nuts can be toxic as well. And don’t forgot to keep your beloved pets away from digesting parts of those gorgeous holiday plants.   Poinsettias , holly or mistletoe, can lead  to emergency room visits. 

 So from our pet filled home to yours - have a happy and safe holiday.


Kathy Shayna Shocket is a freelance Writer, Photographer and TV- Field Producer based in Phoenix, AZ. She's a former TV Reporter who has written for publications such as TIME MagazineMoney Magazine, PEOPLE Magazine,  The Hollywood Reporter  and The NEW YORK TIMES. You can reach her at   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it