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Happy Lips

Chap-Stick is like rubbing a candle on your lips, am I right? A friend recommended Buddha Balm to me, saying it was the best lip balm she'd ever used, it lasts forever, it tastes delish- she was righter than right.

I usually go for the luxe, expensive balmy things, but these little guys are about $3 each. They last forever on your lips (apply once a day, no joke). They are delicious. Here are some stats:

  • Flavors: Lychee Pomegranate, Mandarin Orange Ginger, Burnt Sugar Fig, Crushed Mint Pineapple
  • Petroleum Free, Preservative Free and Paraben Free
  • Natural climate proofing for the sun and snow via the use of chemical free zinc oxide
  • Key ingredients: Soybean Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Zinc Oxide

You can't not buy these this summer. Trust.

Amazonalt, $12 for four. (You can buy individually, as well)