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Scottsdale architect Nick Tsontakis, AIA, reaffirms Frank Lloyd Wright’s dictum of building of the hill, not on it, with this 4,724-sq.-ft. contemporary home in Phoenix.


Front Approach

Architect Nick Tsontakis introduces the travertine and the granite pattern repeated in the foyer, asserting the outside/inside theme of the home. Ancient Stone, a manufactured product, rests on excavated granite, which is above the foundation and on the site walls. Supporting the portico are 14-foot-high steel columns in groups of four uprights with orbital figures; the architect calls these his signature “Tsontakis columns.” On the rear patio, two sets of similar 12-foot-high columns are repeated to support the large overhang. The spaces between the posts provide for unimpeded views and are welcoming light fixtures at night.

Design Team Architect: Nick Tsontakis, AIA Ancient Stone: Ancient Stone by Vasilios Copper Roof: Paul Rich Roofing & Construction

“While not a living space, the approach to your home is integral. It’s an architectural welcome mat for your guests, revealing materials, textures and design.” ̶—Nick Tsontakis