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Witch's Curtain

Lay a heavy-duty black garbage bag flat on a work surface, open end toward you. With scissors, cut one-and-a-half-inch vertical strips from the bottom, stopping a few inches from the top. Cut open one side seam, then unfold bag. Use masking tape or tacks to hang. Then, with hands a few inches apart, grasp each strand and pull; stretch strands in several places for a decrepit effect. When the curtains blow in the wind, they will have visitors trembling with pure terror. Credit: Martha Stewart

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Vampire Cupcakes

Who knew vampires loved to sink their teeth into cupcakes? Well, they certainly do and these treats will have your guests wondering if Edward Cullen is nearby. Fill vanilla cakes with “bloody” jam center and frost them with vanilla icing and bloodied fang marks. Credit: Cupcakes Take The Cake!