HomeFeaturesTech › Inspectress Gadget: Best iPhone Apps for Arizona Guests - Page 2



Just please don't wear a backpack with water in it, those are so dorky.

Hiking Guide

Take a hike. Rather than show you where to hike, this guide will teach you ways to plan your hike and how to be safe on your outdoor trip. Once you know which area you’d like to discover. Learn how to lead a group with pacing tips and plan ahead.

Free, iTunes


In the next update, we hope they have a cab smell-o-meter. 

Cabulous- Hail A Taxi Instantly

Good for visitors of the Valley and other cities, the Cabulous App lets you hail a cab using your cell phone or iPad. This app allows you to see available cabs near you on a map, hail any cab with the touch of a button, track your cab as it comes to you and even save specific drivers to contact in the future!

Free, iTunes Store