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David Leibowitz is a storyteller, whether it be through radio, television or print.  He is a former journalist who is now CEO of Leibowitz Solo.

Followers: 3,664

Following: 2,453

Number of Tweets: 5,398

Favorite person to follow?

My fave person to follow is @jennburgess95. She’s funny, smart and beautiful and a Tweeting maniac. And since she’s the love of my life, she easily tops @realsheriffjoe for the top spot.

Why did you start Tweeting?

Twitter fits perfectly with the Leibowitz family motto: “Often wrong but never in doubt.” And firing off messages lets me disgorge my opinion and keep my blood pressure down.

What do you never Tweet about?

What I really think about local media personalities. They have such fragile egos. and I can’t stand to make folks weep openly. I also try never to Tweet about J.D. Hayworth’s weight. Again, he’s very sensitive. 

What Tweet has generated the most response?

Hard to say. Probably the time I confessed my distinct hatred for Lady Gaga. Or when I compared the movie “Inception” to Larry Gaydos’ radio career. Neither one makes any sense to me.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

Driving down the 51. Frankly, I find driving boring now that we don’t have photo radar on the freeways, so I like to Tweet. And use my electric razor.

How do you choose who you follow?

I like to follow people who provoke me. It also helps if they have cute little avatars like Jenn’s. Seeing her tiny smile always makes the day better. Plus, she looks like she’s sporting a Bump-It. How cool is that?

iPhone or BlackBerry?

iPhone but under protest. Not a fan of AT&T. When I can Tweet using two tin cans and string, life will be so much better.