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Meet Ownby Design

claire ownby

Claire Ownby (Photographs by Danny Raustadt, biggerpictureimages.com)


Claire Ownby (left) and Kelli Smith (right)


Arizona Foothills Magazine: What is the name of your company?

 OD: Ownby Design.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: When and where was your company founded? 

OD: It was established in 1999 in Scottsdale, AZ.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: Where is your office located? 

OD: 13825 N. Northsight Blvd. #120, Scottsdale,AZ 85260 (Scottsdale Airpark).

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: Why did you choose to become a designer?

OD: Being a designer is something I have wanted to do since I was a child. I enjoy creating environments that are inviting and comfortable to live in. I have an internal passion for interior design as well as people.  As a designer, it allows me to express my creativity and provide a service for others to enjoy.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: What other designers have inspired your vision to create beautiful work?  

OD: I have always respected Frank Lloyd Wright’s work for the simplistic approach and embrace of surroundings.  I also admire Holly Hunt for the simplicity and diversity of her designs.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: What sets you apart from other designers?

OD: In addition to being an interior designer, I have also participated in projects as a developer and contractor.  This gives my firm a unique perspective when approaching projects. We have a deeper understanding of the potential challenges and solutions for some of our more complex designs. We can also be more creative and budget focused as we have a better understanding of the entire scope of work.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: What is the craziest idea that someone has asked you to design? 

OD: I designed a modern master bedroom that allowed my client to be able to conduct video tele-conferences in the middle of the night without leaving his bed!

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: Is there one specific design you have done that is your favorite or you have had the most fun with? 

OD: I don’t have a favorite project but I have the most fun designing when clients are participatory in the process. I also enjoy projects when there is a unique condition or challenge to work around.

 Arizona Foothills Magazine: What are the main reasons you are choosing to participate in such a wonderful and motivating cause? 

OD: Once I learned about and toured the Dream Center, I immediately felt compelled to be involved in a project that gives my firm the opportunity to help young women who have been dealt so much adversity.

Arizona Foothills Magazine: What experience do you hope to take away from helping the beautiful and inspiring women from the Phoenix Dream Center?  

OD: I am hoping to gain a greater understanding of our humanity, our fragility and be able to better share a greater sense of appreciation of the life I am blessed with.

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