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Illegal-Legal by DOSE

Favorite piece of public art in Valley?
I’d have to say it would be the piece I painted on 16th Street and Edgemont with Gennaro Garcia, Nomas, Lalo Cota, Iggy, Case Beer and a bunch of other help from the kids in the neighborhood.

Favorite place for escapes?
Calabasas, CA. A friend owns a quiet place in the Santa Monica mountain preserve, Monte Nido.

Why do you love AZ?
My family is originally from AZ before it was the U.S. or Mexico. I have deep roots here.

What do you like about working the best?
I love working it all, I don’t claim to be the best at everything, I’m just good at a lot of different things.

How is the Scottsdale art scene?
There are a few galleries doing great things, but the overall scene to me is very uninviting to anyone who isn’t into cowboy art just like most of AZ.

"Pergatory" by DOSE in collaboration with Hector Ruiz