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 Tim and Willy

You know him and his hilarious counterpart Willy from the Tim and Willy show on KMLE. Now, see who he likes to get a little country with. 

Following: 8

Followers: 81 

Number of Tweets: 63 

Favorite person to follow? 

Blake Shelton is definitely the funniest.  I also am enjoying Conan O'Brian.

Why did you start Tweeting?

To send out stuff about our show, like Carrie Underwood is on with us or what would you like to ask Kieth Urban? Now we like to send out funny thoughts and inside tips on how to win stuff. 

What do you never Tweet about?  

We try not to just do boring and mundane Tweets: I'm eating meatloaf, etc.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

When Willy claimed he knew how to hypnotize a chicken.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

From a boring radio panel at a conference about Tweeting.

How do you choose who you follow?

Country stars, funny people, listeners who follow us.  

iPhone or BlackBerry? 

iPad usually.