HomeFeaturesOn the Scene with Nadine › After Their Happily Ever After: A Savvy Story of Divorce - Page Two

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After the papers were filed, things got bad—real bad.  Lou and Shelley didn’t get along, and would go out of their way to annoy and aggravate one another.  This undoubtedly took a toll on their children.

“They never asked for divorced parents and we feared the dysfunction would rub off on them,” said Shelly.

That’s why they decided to make a mends, realizing it was just too exhausting being mean.  Also Shelley was faced with breast cancer, and that put things in perspective.

“When she got sick, I realized the trivial things were just so petty,” said Lou.

Luckily Lou’s ex survived the horrible disease, and so opened a new door in their relationship.  They hashed things out and decided to put their kids first; in turn, becoming friends again.  Lou even hired Shelley to help run his Med Spa business and they continue working together to this day.

“At first, it was weird calling him boss, but now it’s the best it can be,” said Shelley.

Shelley has since remarried; Lou remains a single dad—but the two created a unique bond over their book.  It’s available for anyone looking for hope during the tough turmoil of divorce.  Too many times do children take on the burden, and that’s something Lou and Shelley hope to break.  While their book is witty and entertaining, it also offers 101 tips on how to handle the kids so they don’t end up turned off by the beauty of marriage. 

“Writing the book was very therapeutic because we did it together.  I am happy to say our boys are very well-adjusted, and they have what they deserve—a mother and a father,” said Shelley.

And the couple once in love are now living independent happily ever afters, a unique fairy tale ending to their love story. 

To purchase the must-read, visit www.afterthehappilyeverafter.com.

rsz nadine
