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Dr. Romero-Bosch says beginners should start with a 3-day detox, but if you’re up for the challenge, opt for no more than seven.

The process takes a lot of willpower—you’ll need to rid your kitchen from all gluten, sugars (real and artificial), dairy, and red meat.  You’ll also bid farewell to your daily cup of Joe, alcohol, soda, and fast food.

However, you can eat fruits and veggies galore, at least five servings a day.  In addition, stock your fridge with lean meats like chicken breast and white, flakey fish.

Dr. Romero-Bosch suggests snacking about every 2-3 hours.  The frequent munching helps maintain blood sugars and a healthy metabolism.  (It also keeps your tummy full to avoid temptation.)

And make water your new BFF because you’ll be downing a lot of H2O; drink half your weight in ounces every day.  You can also sip on detox-tea available at health food stores.

As for exercise, keep things cool.  Since the master cleanse is stressful enough, the doctor recommends going for gentle hikes, beginner yoga classes, and easy stretching.

In addition, this detox requires natural supplements.  This includes a multi-vitamin, Omega 3 fish oils, detox shake formulas, gentle colon cleanse formulas, and nutritional IVs like B-12.  She says the B-12 injection should be done professionally 1-2 times a week, and the fat burning agent stimulates energy.  Another supplement you can try is milk thistle.  The liver supporting herbs help eliminate junk from the body.

And since the master cleanse is meant to connect your mind and body, Dr. Romero-Bosch gives you full permission to pamper yourself.  Treat yourself to a massage and do calming activities such as journaling or painting—your soul will thank you.

“On average, you’ll see 1-2 pounds of permanent fat loss per week.”

Here’s the hard part.  Once your detox is done, don’t celebrate with cake, candy, or cocktails.  Consider the cleanse a routine to reestablish healthy habits.  Dr. Romero-Bosch says it takes about 21 days to develop a good habit, and only 3 days to break it.

Therefore, cheers to your health over a tall glass of water and celebrate your newfound nutritional make-over.  Your bikini body will be well worth the TLC.

For more weight loss information, visit www.iluminartherapy.com.


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