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Combat math practice boredom with dice. “Younger learners can add the numbers from the inside and outside of the dice. Two players can race each other for the first correct answer in a game of speed or a game of war can be played where the players compare the sum of their dice.  The player with greater sum wins a point. The first player to 10 points wins. This game can be played with multiple players or multiple dice. More advanced children can practice subtraction, multiplication, integers, fractions or a combination of these math operations,” Bundgaard says.

Mental Math

Practicing mental math daily is extremely important; provide opportunities throughout the day for kids to practice. Bundgaard gives an example of how easy finding time to practice can be. “While driving, take advantage your kids’ undivided and uninterrupted time. Offer age-appropriate math problems and allow them plenty of time to formulate their answers.  If you are traveling with more than one child, make sure that only one child at a time gets to provide the answer. You can then ask the others if they agree with the answer.”