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The Perfect Floating Device

When purchasing a floating device for your child make sure it fits properly. Cartledge suggests a few simple rules to keep in mind while shopping:

A Snug Fit.

“Check the weight and chest size on the label and try the life jacket on your child right at the store. Pick up your child by the shoulders of the life jacket and tell them to relax and raise their arms. The child's chin and ears won't slip through a properly fitting jacket. Do not buy a jacket that is too large, hoping the child will grow into it.”

Head Support for Younger Children.

“A well-designed life jacket will support the child's head when the child is in the water. The head support also serves to roll the child face up.”

A Strap Between the Legs for Younger Children.

“This helps prevent the jacket from coming off over the child's head.”

Comfort and Appearance.

“This is especially important for teens, who are less likely to wear a life jacket.”