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Nike Slip-On Sneakers

Back-to-School Trends for Girls & Boys

Plaid – This back-to-school season is all about paying tribute to the 90’s, so plaid is definitely back in. From skirts to shirts and shoes to accessories, plaid is showing up everywhere this fall. In keeping with the 90’s theme, high-top sneakers, Mary Jane’s, knee-high socks and rock ‘n’ roll graphic tees are also all back in style.

Faux leather – What’s cuter than a kid-sized mini moto jacket for the cooler months this fall and winter? Be on the lookout for faux leather accents showing up everywhere as well. Think of a touch of leather here and there, like faux leather shoulder pads and waistbands.

Slip-on sneakers – Girls and boys of all ages will be rocking slip-on sneakers this school year. And when it comes to kicks, the brighter the better. Multi-color slip-ons are sure to be a hit.


Carole's Couture Plaid Button-Up

Goodman’s final tip for nailing back-to-school fashion this year? “Come with your shopping list prepared and ready to go.” Writing down exactly what you need before entering the hectic world of back-to-school shopping will ensure you won’t forget anything or miss out on any of these fun and affordable back-to-school trends for the 2015 school year.