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Here are five foods or snacks that Hahn says road trippers should avoid.

1. Candy — It is high in sugar and it will not make you feel great.

2. Overly processed snacks — These can be high in sodium and fats.

3. Chips — Potato chips, Hot Cheetos, and Doritos. No. No. No. 

4. Breaded or fried foods — As it will clog up our systems.

5. Soda or carbonated beverages — They will make you feel bloated.




Fun Fast Favorites for Hahn:

Favorite place to take a road trip — Colorado with the family.

Favorite restaurant to eat while on the road — McDonald’s and Subway.

Favorite road trip snacks — Sliced apples, peanut butter, cheese sticks, and pretzels.

No one likes to eat and run. But in this case, when you're on the road the rule of thumb is pack light. Eat smart and snack while you see the world. For more information on nutrition basics or healthy practices, you can visit Banner Health’s website by clicking here.