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AFM: As you embarked on your weight loss journey, what was the biggest challenge?

SAP: The biggest challenge was accepting that I needed to make a change, and coming to terms with just exactly how large I had become. When I decided on my new path thats when it became easy.

AFM: What prompted you to start “Simone’s Journey to Health” and make your journey available for the public to see? Where you surprised by how popular it has become?

SAP: I started Simone's Journey to Health for one reason and one reason only, and that was to keep my self accountable. I knew if I put my measurements, weight and photos of me half naked online for the world to see, there was so turning back. That was it! Yes, of course, I cannot believe how it has taken off because for me  my only every intention was to keep my self on tract  I never really thought anyone else would be interested! 

AFM: Do you have an example of a particularly memorable social media follower and how you inspired them? 

SAP: Yes, there is one girl Laura who opted to have the same surgery as me, and we have been in contact since the beginning. I have meet her and she now goes to the same gym. She is well on her way to her new life, and it's the most exciting thing to watch.

AFM: How do you cope with cyberbullies?

SAP: At first they really affected me and I kept thinking about the nasty comments. Now I just have to think to myself they must be pretty sad, lonely people themselves to feel the need to reach out and say such hurtful things to others. That way it doesn't affect me nearly as much.

AFM: What inspired you to turn to Dr. Remus Repta for the surgery?

SAP: Once Dr Repta reached out to me, and we had first skye chat I knew he was the doctor for me. He specialised in exactly what I needed and was just a kind-hearted man, and I felt an instant connection I knew this man had to be my doctor!

AFM: Once you have full recovered, what is the first thing you plan to do?

SAP: Run a half marathon! 

AFM: What words or advice do you have for those who want to embark on a lifestyle change and, ultimately, a weight loss journey?

SAP: That it is a mental game. Wrap your head around everything first and the rest will just slot into place. Our mind is an incredibly powerful tool we definitely underestimate!