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What are the differences between Yoga and Bikram Yoga? (Besides the temperature of the room)
My teacher once said that the yoga you do on the mat is only 12.5 percent of what yoga is. The rest is what you practice off the mat e.g. Life. Yoga is a way of life. There are many styles of yoga on the mat - physical (Hatha) or Bikram. Not one [type] is necessarily rated for any reason, [it is] just what one's preference is for practice. Then there are many other types of yoga besides the Hatha, there is Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Kundalini yoga, Pranayama yoga, Tantra yoga, Jnana yoga just to name a few. You can spend a lifetime studying and just barely know a fraction of all there is.


Tell us something about Yoga that we would be surprised to know.
I don’t know if there is anything that is surprising about yoga. The practice of yoga is practice of living and life is full of surprises. On the mat, however, every practice is a surprise; that goes to say that yoga truly is the union of the mind, body and spiritual self of one at work. I must say though that I have observed that through the practice of yoga, something happens that makes one more aware of themselves and others. The practice of yoga brings more awareness, focus and control to oneself.

What is the biggest misconception about Yoga?
The biggest misconception of yoga is that it is a fad, you have to be flexible to begin with to be able to practice yoga, it is a cult, it is all chanting and meditation, you have to be a vegetarian, you have to be a “tree hugger," it is not physically challenging enough. It is just all about stretching.

How can one expect their body and mind to change once starting Yoga?
Meditation is a part of yoga practice. Once again, there are many types of meditation practices like breath meditaion, sound and music meditaion, visualization, candle meditaion,mantra meditation, gong meditaion, silent meditation, etc.


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