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Mark West, Phoenix Suns Vice President of Player Programs, and dad to Markus, 18; and Markyle, 15

My favorite times with my children are when we are debating or discussing an issue. It can be anytime, whether we are having dinner, watching a movie, playing a game or doing yard work together.

The biggest challenge I have faced as a dad was giving my sons enough leeway to stand up for themselves, even if it meant challenging their mom and me. I have taught them to have a balance between being respectful and listening, while also fighting for what they believe in and not folding under stress.

I would advise new dads to listen to their children and show patience. Try to teach them all the lessons you wish you would have learned when you were a kid. Find teachable moments in the mistakes they make and praise them on their good decisions and small accomplishments. Try your best to make their childhood the greatest time of their lives. If you do that, I believe it will also become the best time of your life, as well.

My greatest wish for my children is that they live healthy, productive and prosperous lives. I hope they will always love to learn and they find someone special to share their adult lives with. It is also my hope that they will always lend a hand to help others.

The greatest Father’s Day gift I received was the first time I was able to spend the day with both of my sons.