HomeFeaturesFeatures › Chatting with Phoenix's Britany Simon of "Design Star" - Page 2

AFM: What were some apprehensions that you had before going on to "Design Star"?
BS: I was worried about the group of designers because you worry about certain personalities and whether or not they were going to mesh well. That was my biggest fear: the personalities. But they were all really cool. We all hung out together in the home setting.

AFM: What was the biggest challenge of filming for the show?
BS: You learn to live off of little sleep, Red Bull and Kraft-y snacks. There was one point I was just eating Cheez-Its and drinking soda because you are working under such extreme pressure and time frames that there's no other way to adjust. But I feel like the show definitely validated me as a designer, and that's what I came out of it with.

AFM: What separates you from other designers/photographers?
BS: I like to know what makes people tick. I really like getting to know who I'm working with. I'll ask questions like, "What do you do on a Saturday night?" "Do you stay in or invite people over for parties?" Because that totally changes the design of a room.  

AFM: What gets you up in the morning?
BS: Probably my sheer passion for what I do. I get up because I want to. I look forward to what I do, and every day is new for me. And I get paid to shop, so that's a pretty sweet deal.

AFM: Where do you like to shop locally for design?
BS: Bungalow is a great place here. I found this great modern vintage store in Phoenix called Red Modern, and it's amazing. Fully restored, reupholstered vintage pieces… stuff that you just don't find anymore which is important to use in design. I really do love going to vintage stores and trying to find that diamond in the ruff. There's a bunch of them in Phoenix off 7th Street, and they're basically all lined up in a row.

AFM: Where can you be seen around town?
BS: My husband and I go to Old Town a lot to grab sushi or drinks with friends. I also shop a lot. I'm a Maxinista. I love digging and hunting for deals. JCPenney's is like, my hidden gem. You can find some really cute, random stuff there.

AFM: Where will you be in six years?
BS: Oh my gosh. I'll be 35. That's creepy. I'll have to have children by then because my husband is already pressuring me. I hope to have a summer home elsewhere and a home here so we can be with our family and a great, new successful business and a design television show.

AFM: So you like being on television?
BS: Yeah, I just didn't know I was going to like it as much as I did until I went on Design Star. I didn't know what it was going to be like in front of the camera because I'm used to being behind it, so it was new and exciting for me. It wasn't good at first, but… it's, uh, getting better. I just had so much fun. It's like an adrenaline rush!

Quick Fire:
Your go-to colors for any room? Mint blue and dark gray with pops of yellow.
What should every home have? Something vintage.
You have an empty shelf. Fill it with three items. 1. Photo of my mom 2. Vase with flowers 3. A meaningful trinket.
Nikon or Canon? Canon.
One upcoming trend? Mixing patterns.
One DIY secret? Adding hardware to cabinets because it's like jewelry for your furniture.