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Most Popular Liposuction Techniques


In the past, liposuction meant one thing and one thing only; getting rid of unwanted curves. When a person wanted to undergo this procedure, they simply told their doctor or surgeon what they wanted, and it was done. Today, however, liposuction has become a much more complicated process and, in doing...


Shocking Secrets of Eye Color


Dr. Rochelle Myers of Southwestern Eye Center revealed the telling secrets of eye color.  With nearly 20 years in the field and six years spent in Arizona, Dr. Myers is an expert optometrist.  


Easy Breakfast Recipe for The Entire Family

I love nothing more than weekend mornings with my kids. During the week it’s such a mad rush to get dressed, eat breakfast and make sure everything packed up and ready for school; it's nice to take extra time relaxing in the morning and go at a much slower pace. What my kids love most is the surprise of the weekend breakfast. It’s usually something new, fun and takes a little longer to make. With that being said, here’s what we made together last weekend.


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